Elastomers and Composites (eISSN: 2288-7725) is a scientific journal published quarterly (The last day of March / June / September / December) by the Rubber Society of Korea. The journal is a KCI (Korea Citation Index) and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) indexed journal. All articles published in Elastomers and Composites are indexed by KCI, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The journal operates a single-blind peer review process. Manuscript deemed suitable are then typically sent to two independent expert reviewers to asses the scientific quality of the manuscript. The Editorial Board is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of manuscript. The author should ensure that a manuscript have written in accordance with the research ethics and the author guidelines.
Originally established in 1966, the Rubber Society of Korea (RSK) has been growing with the efforts of numerous members engaged in industry, academy and research institute. Through the successful hosting of two-times of international rubber conferences (IRC1990 and IRC 2012), the number of RSK members have greatly expended. The RSK is providing valuable opportunities to participate the RSK activities to researcher of rubber-based industries and new talents who received Shinyang and Gangshin rubber-scholarships. Also, the RSK encourages the technical, social and cultural exchanges between the members. The RSK is publishing a journal named by ‘Elastomers and Composites’ (KCI indexed).